Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Voicing my enthusiasm!

Wow! I like this voicethread thing. I saw a great site with 6th graders reading poetry and talking about what devices the poet used to appeal to the reader. I was very impressed. I spent a lot of time commenting on their work.

I will certainly be using this at some point this year. My students record themselves reading with the READ 180 program so this will be natural for them. I can see so many possibilities with this tool. I'm going to spend more time exploring this site for sure.

Connie and Steve, once again I want to say how much I like the way this class is structured. I was able to move through the voicethread tool at my own pace and try things when I was ready. I didn't have to worry that I was falling behind or I missed something.

ok, what's next? Bring it on!!!


  1. Debbie, I love your enthusiasm! Yes, I think the structure of the class is working well. People can go at their own pace, and have time to dig deeply into a topic. I was amazed at how quiet the room was with everyone using headphones and diligently exploring the tutorial links.
    Next: google sites. I think you'll enjoy that, too!

  2. I'm glad you find this approach so....approachable, Deb. And I'm sure you will use VT this year!

